The Science of Meditation

Meditaion is not thinking but it is not devoid of thinking either. In ordinary waking life, we use our partials of the body and inner resources of which we are aware. We are unaware that we indeed are much more than the totality of body and the mind. 

Our reality makes us an infinitely deep expression of an infinte and infinitesimal reality referred to as spirit by the wisdom of our religions and energy by modern science. We are a configuration of this infinite and the infinitesimal through successive concetization of it. Both of our inner being and outer existence comprises of an infinity of subtle principles. Being a temporal and finite expression of an eternal infinity, we are both infinite on one side and finite on the other, tempral on one side and eternal on the other.

In meditation, we explore the subtle principles of our body, mind and beyond of which we have no awareness when we start existing. Having explored and realized them, we use those hidden resources of our inner being in running our lives and relationships in the world. These resources are much deeper with a capacity to penetrate the existence of the universe to explore its secrets ordinarily hidden from cognition. 

Meditation thus is so comprehensive that it behooves identifying what it is not before identfying what it is. We can definitely make some negative statements before we attempt to making a positive definite one which must, of necessity, must be general, abstarct and comprehensive if we do not want to defile and reduce meditation from its reality:

  • Meditaion is not passive but it is not activity either.
  • ​Meditation is not doing but it is not lack of doing also.
  • ​Meditation is not thinking but it is not lack of thinking either.
  • Meditaion is not feeling but it is not devoid of feeling either.
  • Meditaion is not application of rationality but it is not devoid of it either.
  • Meditaion is not logic of  but it is not devoid of logic either.
  • Meditation is not analytical and it is not not analysis either.
  • ​Meditation is not intellectual exercise but without it there no meditation either.

​​​Now that we know what meditation is not, let us attempt a statement of whaf what it is. Meditation is experiential realization of the totality of our inner and outer existence including all of its hidden resources and using them in leading an integrated and full life in physical health, mental health, bliss, knowledge, understanding, wisdom and oneness with deep feelings of unbounded love and compassion towards all barring none. Meditation, on one hand, seeks to unveil objective truth of things, on the other hand it makes us realize that the ultimate truth, the infinite and the infinitesimal underlying reality of all existence, is an eternal mystery beyond human cognition. It shows us the way to our personal passions, our relative realities to the ultimate reality of the entire universe, our personal or the God of our religion to the God of all existence.