Let us reflect on this cosmology video

The name of this cosmologist is David Christian. He teaches an ambitious world history course that tells the story of the universe beginning some 13 billion years ago:

  1. ​The universe moves from order and structure simplicity to lack of order and lack of structure complexity,
  2. What we see today is staggering complexity; complexity building stage by stage to more comlexity,
  3. Complexity means vulnrability and fragility,
  4. 13.7 billion years ago in the beginning of time, there was nothing, nothing differentiable; to total darkness wrapped in darkness,
  5. Then, suddenly bang! The universe appears, it is tiny but expanding, suddenly expanding fast,
  6. Then distinct things apeear; there was light, there was differentiation, there were things we could see had we been there,
  7. First different forces appear, electro-magnetism, gravity, etc,
  8. Then, quarks, electrons, protons, ... helium, hydrogen, ..., then stars about 200 million years after the big bang, ..., then elements on the periodic table and matter,
  9. Then planets and moons are mormed out of matter; thus our universe get formed about four and a half billion years ago,
  10. Then chemical atoms in the presence of water and other liquids, DNA molecules appear leading to single cell primitive life forms, 
  11. DNA molecules accumulate and store information, but this learning process is very slow,
  12. It took a very long time for DNA molecules to enogh experiential learning to create human beings about 200,000 years ago,

​What then is our ultimate origin? Could a single cell organism that we were at conception exist without our parents and all the life forms right from the first primitive single cell life form that ever existed in the universe? Could that first single cell life form exist without the existence of matter? Could matter exist without the big bang? Who caused the big bang? Could anything exist without that indifferentiable unity of everything that existed before the big bank? Isn't that you are? Isn't that who I really am?