What is Meditation?

Meditation is age old technology of optimizing human life. Technology is a term used for an applied science. What is the underlying basic sciene which is applied in the technology of meditaion? The basic science is called spiritual science. Spiritual science is about existence; where does existence come from? What is its source? What is a human being? How does a human being related with the rest of the universe and the universe at large? our knowledge of what we are becomes the basis of optimizing what we can be. The technology of what we can be is called meditation.

Meditation comprises of structured processes practiced in a disciplined manner with the purpose of developing an experiential understanding existence of what a person is. That self realization enables the practitioner of understanding the existence of the universe and his/her place in it. That consciousness devloping from an experiential realization of the self arms a person to live in harmony with his/her enivronment and the universe at large.The structured processes needed for this journey collectively are known as meditation.