Death & Breath: The Role of the Koorma Nadi

Published on Jul 24, 2015
Sadhguru speaks of the koorma nadi, which ties "you and your body" together. The koorma nadi is that which directs the pattern of inhalation and exhalation. Attaining mastery over this allows us to stay rooted in the physical, but venture out beyond physical nature



Sadhguru: So this breath or what conducts the breath, in yoga we call this the koorma nadi. You know what’s a koorma? Not kuruma (Laughter) Koor… (Laughs) No I saw some tongues (Laughter)… Koorma means a turtle or a tortoise, an amphibious creature, it’s in the water but it can also venture out. So you are a… you can become an amphibious creature if you master this koorma nadi, that means you are in the body but you can be little outside the physical nature because this is your desire. Your desire is not to leave the physical for good, you want to be rooted in the physical but you want to have a taste of what is beyond, this is human desire always. In trying to… See everything that you are doing, please look at this, whether you are going out to conquer the world, you get married, you bear children, you do this, you drink, you go to temple, you drug, you do whatever the hell you want – essentially all that you’re looking for is you want a bigger experience of life, isn’t it? Yes or no? The only way your life’s ex… experience can be enhanced is by expanding your perception. If your eyes can see something that it cannot see right now, your experience is enhanced. If your ears can hear something that you cannot hear something right now, your experience is enhanced. Like this if your perception is enhanced only then your experience is enhanced, otherwise you are only going on imagining things within the limited data that you have already gathered, yes? The only way to enhance is to expand or to come out.

So koorma nadi, this is… this breath is referred to as koorma nadi because if you use it properly you can become like an amphis… amphibious creature that you can be in the body but you can venture outside. This is like a rope – let’s say we pull out your breath right now, if I take away your breath what will happen? You and your body will fall apart. Right now in your experience you are the body sitting here but this rice and ch… chintha thokku and gomukoora everything is gathered up here and sitting here. Yes or no? Yes? It’s the food that you’ve eaten. Is this an accumulation? Do you understand this is an accumulation?

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