Balance Activity and Inactivity

The expression of consciousness in beings with this attribue is deliberate and purposeful. All behaviour is consciously, nothing just happens without intent.

Sanskrit word for it sattva which means firm, good sense, strength of character, substantive, resolute, wise . Spiritual light of consciousness activates this attribute.

The word sattva also denotes truth. This attribute characterizes the realization of one’s truth, both current and what it can be. It challenges one to strategize growth move from one’s current state to that of one’s ultimate possibility. We inhere an infinite potential from our spiritual source which is both infinite and infinitesimal.

Sattva is characterized by joy, understanding and the resulting freedom from sorrow. This attribute results when the mind is fully conscious and activity results resolutely with due deliberation.

This is a quote from the Bhagvad Gita on it:

“When the light of knowledge shines forth
Through all gates of the body.
Then it is apparent
That sattva is the ruling trait.”

This is the desired attribute to develop. It results from a regular elicitation of "rest and digest" response.